Tax Consulting
In today’s challenging economical environment, a business must create trust in its advisors before they can create value.

Our Tax Consulting services include the following:
- Registration of income tax
- Registration of Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Registration of Pay as you earn (PAYE)
- Registration of Skills Development Levy (SDL)
- Computation and completing of VAT, PAYE and SDL
- Computation and completing of Income Tax
- Computation and completing of Provisional Tax
- Computation and completing of Capital Gains Tax
- Computation and completing of Dividend Tax (STC)
- Computation and completing of IRP5’s and Reconciliations
Other Tax Services we offer include:
- Tax Objections
- Tax Advice
- Tax Clearance Sertificates
- Estates, Wills and Trusts
- Assessment Auditing
Other Tax Services we offer include:
- Tax Objections
- Tax Advice
- Tax Clearance Sertificates
- Estates, Wills and Trusts
- Assessment Auditing